Sacred Heart & St Teresa's Church Wilmslow

The Parish processes any personal data it receives in accordance with the Diocesan Privacy Notice, which can be found here: http://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/aboutus/privacy-notice
Parish Priest
As parish priest of Sacred Heart and Saint Teresa Wilmslow, in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, I am delighted to welcome you to our parish website.
This website provides a guide to the church, its history, and information about present day celebrations.
Whether this is your first visit, or you regularly come to this site, I hope that we are able to provide the information that you are seeking.
Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments or questions, or simply need more information and want to contact us, click on the contact button above.
Please note from September 2024, the three parishes of St Teresa's Wilmslow, St Benedict's Handorth and St Pius Alderley Edge are all served by myself and Father Moses Ibeh, both resident at the presbetry in Wilmslow. Mass times for all three parishes can be found on this website.
Father Tony McGrath
Online Parish Giving Page:
Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way, and you have the option to make a regular monthly donation or a one-off donation. We know that for some these are worrying times financially. Please only give what you can afford. Thank you for your support.
You can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further. If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order.
(All donations made by Parishioners are acknowledged by an email from InvestMyCommunity. Please also be aware that donations appear on the bank/credit card statements of the donor with the narrative “Invest My School”).
Online Mass
We do not currently offer a Mass streaming service but Mass at Shrewsbury Cathedral may be viewed at the following link (Mass times are detailed via the schedule menu on this Diocesan web link):
St Teresa´s Church
Green Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire.
01625 523 584
email: sacredwil@gmail.com